Joe Sanchez came to work as our Associate Pastor in the Summer of 2014. As a military child he grew up in various parts of the United States but attended High School and College in the state of Virginia. He graduated with a B.S degree from Virginia Tech and later with a Masters of Divinity from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary in Northern California (now Gateway Seminary). He has various ministry experience working with youth, college students, Spanish ministry and church planting.

He and his wife Lizette were married in 2004 and have two children. Lizette is Peruvian and both she and Joe are bilingual in English and Spanish. Most of their time together has been spent living in the USA within the states of Colorado and California but they enjoy the adventure of glorifying God in Costa Rica.

Joe's a big fan of his kids, the movies, Peruvian food and good books. He currently oversees our Group and Discipleship ministries here at the church.